The Lithuanian Library of Medicine, founded in 1944, is the largest bookstock of medical and related sciences (biology, psychology). The collection contains 707 thousand copies of publications and other information sources (microfilms, audiovisuals). The Library enriches its holdings with literature monuments of the past. They make up a valuable collection amounting to about 5 thousand titles of books from the 16th century to 1917. The oldest issue is a facsimile of “Commentariola medica et physica”, published in 1584, Vilnius. The library collection contains works of prominent physicians in the pre-war Lithuania: P. Avižonis, J. Lašas, Pr. Mažylis. The Library holds the collection of Vl.Šimkūnas, physician and bibliographer, and of prof. M.Dunn from the Boston University. In 1993, the Library gained the status of WHO Documentation Center and a depository. Five branch libraries are located in major medical centres and hospitals over the country. They acquire and hold information sources in accordance with their host institution profile, serving about 40% of the Library’s patrons. The Library provides information for medical research workers, physicians and students. The Library and the World Lithuanian Medical Association undertook a joint project to create a database representing publications on medical subjects and fiction by Lithuanian medical professionals in Lithuania and abroad. The Library is a coordinating centre in the network of 30 medical libraries, arranging professional training for medical librarians through workshops and conferences. In 1999 the Library joined LIBIS (United Catalogue of Lithuanian Integrated System of Library Information).